Click on the following links to see key pages from one of the Rabat General Library's copies of Mohammed Hajoui's book on Leo Africanus ( all pages are in Arabic):

Hajoui's business card

Hajoui's inscription dedicating his book to the Pacha des Glaouis
Title page 1
Title page 2
First page
Second page
Third page
Fourth page

Photo of manuscript of Leo's Arab-Hebrew-Latin vocabulary
Leo's signature

Hajoui's Business Card:


The author's business card was affixed to one of four copies of his book currently conserved at the Bibliotheque Generale de Rabat:
Mohammed Mehdi el Hajoui
Juge au
haut tribunal cherifien (judge in the high cherifien court)
Born in Fes, El Hajoui was part of a very prestigious Moroccan family. His father was minister of Justice, and he was governor of Oujda for 17 years. During the protectorate he sided with the French, but remained governor of Oujda after independence, before he retired to Fes (this information can be found in : Dictionnaire des celebrites marocaines, etabli et coordonne par Mohammed Hajji, 1996)